
Platform for the North American Supply Chain Business Health and Risk Management

The Challenge

FreshBooks is on a mission to help small business owners grow and thrive. As a provider of online accounting software for business owners and accountants, FreshBooks easy-to-use accounting platform provides payment facilitation for SMBs. This project will focus on risk management by developing machine learning and AI models for better financial resilience.  The academic partner, McMaster University, led by Elkafi Hassini from the DeGroote School of Business, will work on improving SMBs supply chain resilience by developing AI tools to provide advanced capabilities such as cognitive automation, payment risk management and adaptive decision-making.



Scale AI investment


Total investment


“FreshBooks continues to embrace machine learning and AI as we begin our second project funded by Scale AI. This new initiative will allow us to level up our risk management capabilities as we expand our payments offering which will allow our small business owners to have a more seamless experience.”

— Mara Reiff, Chief Customer Officer and Interim Co-CEO, FreshBooks
Made possible through the
financial support of
Gouvernement du Québec
Gouvernement du Canada

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