
The programs we’re investing in

$20 million to accelerate AI startup
Together, let's enrich Canada’s AI ecosystem 

The Acceleration program puts funding on the table to help finance the growth of AI startups and SMEs across Canada. The program funds initiatives that:

  • promote the growth of startups applying AI to value chains
  • strengthen collaboration between Canada’s top AI incubators and accelerators
  • attract additional venture capital and investment in AI to Canada
  • encourage top AI talent to establish their business in Canada
  • support the emergence of new global AI leaders


1 program

British Columbia

1 program

New Brunswick

1 program

Nova Scotia

1 program


7 programs


15 programs


1 program


1 program

Accelerate AI


AIXPERT Healthcare

Centech Acceleration


Corporate Innovation Program

Cycle Momentum


Founder Fuel

Founder Institute Supply Chain & Mobility Fellowship

HyperScale AI


Next AI – Montréal

Next AI – Toronto

North of AI

Propel Virtual Accelerator


SaaS Accelerator

Scale AI Québec

Supply AI Program

Supply Chain & Logistics

Supply Chain AI

Supply Chain AI West

Supply Chain Stream

Techstars Montréal AI

The Holt Xchange


Volta AI

ventureLAB Innovation Centre

Accelerate AI

Length of Program
12 months

ventureLAB’s Accelerate AI program (VAAI) supports growing and scaling Canadian AI hardware and software startups in the supply chain industry. Through tailored, streamlined support, participating ventures will accelerate their development and commercialization journeys, receiving support in four key areas: attracting and retaining talent, customer acquisition, access to capital, and technology development. Based in York Region, Canada’s second-largest tech cluster, the VAAI leverages the region’s existing strengths and expertise to further expand Canada’s AI leadership.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Co-work / office space; Laboratory space / maker space; Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding; Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance;
  • Other
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Thales Canada


Length of Program
6 months

AI@Centech is one of the corporate accelerators of the Thales Group. Its purpose is to co-develop innovative solutions with startups and SMBs for the five major markets served by the Group: digital identity and security, defence, aerospace, space and transport.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Laboratory space / maker space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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AIXPERT Healthcare

Length of Program
12 months

AIXPERT – Healthcare is an “Accelerator” support program for technology companies (AI, logistics, IT, 4.0) that are active in Canada’s health supply chains, and/or who can drive disruptive innovations therein.

It is a flexible program, addressing the innovation, commercialization, legal and data management challenges, and adapting to each start-ups/SMEs’ degree of maturity. The program will build on the different MEDTEQ+ initiatives and programs and go further to support digital technology-based ventures in their specific challenges to enter successfully the healthcare supply chain. The services to ventures are to be delivered through interactive coaching and working sessions with experts from MEDTEQ+ and external specialists.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
Mature - Stable profit from year to year
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance
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Centech Acceleration

Length of Program
3 months

The Centech Acceleration program is an intensive and structured 12-week program dedicated to technology ventures. Mentored by a team of entrepreneurs in residence, the start-ups will be able to establish and challenge their value proposition, develop their sales pitch and meet potential clients. The program consists of 46 workshops, 6 conferences of successful entrepreneurs and networking events. The program is free, open to everyone and does not take any equity or intellectual property

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space; Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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Length of Program
3 years

Co.Labs identifies high-potential founders and helps them take their validated technology to $1 million in annual revenues in under 3 years with a smart cap table.

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
Mature - Stable profit from year to year
  • Co-work / office space; Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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BCF Ventures

Corporate Innovation Program

Length of Program
4 months

This is a 6-months corporate accelerator program for AI Supply Chain Startups at the Seed/Series A stages. The goal of the program is to accelerate the collaboration between AI-based Supply Chain startups and corporations to drive value in today’s chase for innovation. By matching corporations and startups in 5 different streams of the supply chain industry, we hope that they will come out of the program stronger as a company to compete in their market.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
Mature - Stable profit from year to year
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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Cycle Momentum

Cycle Momentum

Length of Program
4 months

Cycle Momentum is an accelerator and open innovation platform that brings together an international collective of entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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Centre d'entrepreneuriat de l'Université de Montréal (CEuMontreal)


Length of Program
9 months

Datapreneur est un parcours de huit mois qui propulse les futurs entrepreneurs du domaine de l?intelligence artificielle et de la science des données. L’objectif est de les aider à transformer leurs idées ou découvertes liées aux méga-données ou à l’IA en des projets concrets ou bien à atteindre un autre palier dans leur cheminement d’entreprise.

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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Real Ventures

Founder Fuel

Length of Program
4 months

FounderFuel is a mentor-driven accelerator, focusing on leadership development and growth to help early-stage startups make meaningful progress on the venture path. Backed by Real Ventures, Canada’s most active seed-stage tech venture capital firm, FounderFuel has invested in 95 companies since 2011. Our 4-month intensive program is supported by a network of seasoned startup founders, investors, and executives along with the entire Real Ventures team. The program culminates with Canada’s largest Demo Day.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding
Learn more about this program
BCF Ventures

Founder Institute Supply Chain & Mobility Fellowship

Length of Program
4 months; 6 months

The Founder Institute is the world’s largest pre-seed startup accelerator. Since 2009, we have helped over 4,000 startups raise over $900M and build some of the world’s fastest-growing companies like Udemy, Realty Mogul, Itembase, goplaceit, Appota, and many more. Based in Silicon Valley but with chapters across the globe, the Founder Institute launch-stage accelerator program provides the structure, mentor support, and global network of entrepreneurs needed to start an enduring company. In 2014, The Founder Institute has initiated its Canadian operations in Montreal and now has operating chapters in Toronto, Waterloo, Vancouver, and Ottawa. In 2018, The Founder Institute announced a collaboration with two of the world’s most innovative AI companies, Philips and Bosch, to launch our first-ever “Artificial Intelligence Founder Syndicate” program (https://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/news/2018/10/23/founder-institute-chooses-pittsburgh-for-ai-focus.html). In 2019, The Founder Institute expanded its corporate collaboration with OVH Cloud to expand the “Artificial Intelligence track” to Montreal with a targeted fellowship (https://fi.co/insight/founder-institute-and-ovh-dlp-partner-to-help-artificial-intelligence-big-data-techentrepreneurs- in-montreal). With our track record and previous experience supporting Artificial Intelligence companies across North America, we are delighted to launch a “Supply Chain & Mobility” Artificial Intelligence Fellowship that will run alongside the standard Montreal Winter-Spring 2020 Founder Institute cohort and will provide dedicated resources to the AI-Supply Chain and Mobility Founders in the program. While entrepreneurs with any ideas are still welcomed to apply to the Founder Institute program, those with AI-Supply Chain & Mobility ideas will receive a specialized curriculum with additional mentorship, assistance and opportunities to work alongside specialized mentors. To be eligible as an established Canadian organization, Founder Institute will be partnering up with BCF Ventures, a Canadian-based Corporate Venture Capital firm. BCF Ventures will act as the corporate sponsorship and a strategic partner for the purpose of this project. BCF Ventures will cover the fellowships of startups in AI-Supply Chain and Mobility and invest in the top graduated companies.

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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BC Tech Association

HyperScale AI

British Columbia
Length of Program
12 months

The HyperScale AI program brings together the resources required to accelerate the success and creation of globally competitive Canadian supply chain AI companies. The program focusses on three pillars for SMEs: Access to customers through export programming and industry collaboration platforms; Access to knowledge through business mentorship, structured peer-to-peer networking and educational events around funding, technical guidance, IP protection and opportunities for AI in supply chains; Access to talent through expert consultants and proven Diversity and Inclusion programs The program will not only help build the ecosystem but also create high value jobs, drive revenues, generate innovation and increase GDP.

Business stage
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
Mature - Stable profit from year to year
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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MAIN - Mouvement des accélérateurs d'innovation du Québec


Length of Program
12 months

Le Service d’accompagnement pour PME innovantes et technologiques (PMEit) a été développé par le Mouvement des accélérateurs d’innovation du Québec (MAIN) en partenariat avec des accélérateurs et incubateurs d’entreprises (AIE) de partout au Québec. Le PMEit est un levier d’action destiné aux entreprises innovantes ou technologiques à fort potentiel de croissance qui souhaitent intensifier leur accélération par un accompagnement personnalisé et intense afin d’atteindre plus rapidement leur point d’inflexion (hockeystick) et d’entrer en phase de croissance. Par le biais du PMEit, MAIN veut accélérer les investissements ainsi qu’augmenter le chiffre d’affaires et l’accès au financement des entreprises accompagnées. Le PMEit propose une approche de gestion novatrice fondée sur la collaboration et la mutualisation des ressources. Cette mise en commun de l’expertise des organismes d’accélération permet de bâtir des parcours d’accompagnement personnalisés et adaptés aux besoins de chacune des entreprises bénéficiaires du programme.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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HEC Montréal - École des dirigeants

Next AI – Montréal

Length of Program
6 months

Next AI is an accelerator and founder development program for artificial intelligence-based ventures, delivered in Montreal and Toronto. We identify talented idea or early stage teams with ambitious solutions and leverage Canada’s leadership position in AI to provide them with the capital, mentorship, education and network to disrupt industries. In Montreal, the program is offered in partnership with HEC Montreal and delivered by the Executive Education unit.

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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NEXT Canada

Next AI – Toronto

Length of Program
8 months

Next AI is a global innovation hub for artificial intelligence related venture creation and technology commercialization. NEXT Canada identifies talented individuals and teams with ambitious ideas and provides them with the tools they need to compete. Next AI teams have access to up to $150K in capital, technical and business education from world-renowned faculty and scientists, a network of Canada’s top business leaders and entrepreneurs, and access to cutting edge AI tools. Next AI is currently delivered in two of Canada’s AI hotbeds: Montréal and Toronto. Next AI – Montréal is delivered in partnership with HEC Montréal.; Venture stage: Idea/Early; Cohort size: 10-20 teams selected; Regions: Pan Canadian; Delivered in: Toronto and Montreal To learn more, visit https://www.nextcanada.com/next-ai/

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding
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North of AI

Length of Program
6 months

The main areas of focus for this program is to promote and grow the local tech industry, provide skill development and training opportunities around AI and machine learning, support local tech entrepreneurs, and support other industries with supply chain challenges. Support will be provided to industry led projects aimed at fast-tracking the adoption and commercialization of AI for supply chains. Supply chains are an ongoing issue in the north for several industries, the intent, therefore, is to get local industries to utilize AI and machine learning to address their issues related to supply chain management. However, knowledge in AI and machine learning is quite limited in the north and it would be beneficial to have local expertise in AI and machine learning. To address this issue, the program will provide resources and supports for local professionals and tech entrepreneurs to enable them to develop AI and digital intelligence skills. These specific skills and knowledge will provide individuals with opportunities related to business development, improving an established business, and addressing issues that are impactful to the north. The expectation is for locals to become tech entrepreneurs and gain knowledge in AI and machine learning. Alternatively, the program will provide financial assistance to tech startups that are using AI to address supply chain management and to those that are using AI and machine learning for other forms of product development.

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions
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Propel ICT Inc.

Propel Virtual Accelerator

New Brunswick
Saint John
Length of Program
3 months; 6 months

As Atlantic Canada’s virtual accelerator for ICT start-ups, Propel ICT Inc. (Propel) works with founders in three stages of the development of their ventures: Stage 1 (3 months) – validation of problem/solution fit; Stage 2 (3 months) – identification and profiling of target ideal early adopter customers; and Stage 3 (6 months) – development and validation of a repeatable, scalable sales process. Programming consists of a combination of curated content housed in Propel’s learning management platform combined with coaching and mentorship provided by a business coach assigned to each founder https://www.propelict.com

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance;
  • Other
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Length of Program
9 months; 12 months

Un programme d’accompagnement personnalisé pour les entreprises qui ont une technologie qui trouve des solutions aux problèmes des chaînes d’approvisionnement.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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L-Spark Corp

SaaS Accelerator

Length of Program
6 months

We partner with multinational organizations (Blackberry/QNX, Telus, Solace) to deliver unparalleled acceleration programs in high growth sectors such as Autonomous Vehicle/Connected Cars, IoT, Cybersecurity and HealthTech.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Laboratory space / maker space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance;
  • Other
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Centre d'entreprises et d'innovation de Montréal (CEIM)

Scale AI Québec

Length of Program
12 months

Le programme Scale AI Québec du CEIM s’adresse aux start-ups québécoises, en pré-démarrage ou à l’étape de commercialisation, qui développent des produits et services innovants, grâce à l’IA, lesquels ont des applications pour les chaînes d’approvisionnement. Le programme d’incubation et d’accélération du CEIM répond aux besoins spécifiques des start-ups grâce à une formule éprouvée qui augmente considérablement leurs chances de succès et leur performance, notamment en commercialisation.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Co-work / office space; Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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Toronto Metropolitan University - The DMZ

Supply AI Program

Length of Program
6 months

With a focus on AI-powered supply chains the DMZ is introducing a specialized remote program to support Canada’s entrepreneurs in the place they call home. The DMZ’s Supply AI program incubates and accelerates AI startups that are otherwise limited by geography, and works to increase Canada’s capacity to support the growth of AI ventures.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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Plug and Play Innovation Canada

Supply Chain & Logistics

Length of Program
3 months

Plug and Play is an open innovation platform that will be connecting Canadian entrepreneurs with local businesses and industries. Greater Toronto is home to a growing hub of startups, which Plug and Play Canada is looking to identify, support, and accelerate through its vast global network of entrepreneurs, mentors, VCs, and corporate decision makers. Key focus areas of Plug and Play Canada include the fields of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain & Logistics.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Other
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MaRS Discovery District

Supply Chain AI

Length of Program
6 months

Build Canada’s next generation of high-growth supply chain AI companies through the following key initiatives in combination with business advisory services and access to customers, talent and investors: 1. High profile Supply Chain AI event held at MaRS 2. Co-working spaces through MaRS Beta space 3. MaRS PR Accelerator Services 4. Capital and Talent Intensive programs 5. Market Intelligence Insights

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Other
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Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII)

Supply Chain AI West

Length of Program
9 months

The Supply Chain AI West program empowers startups and early-stage founders to incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning toward creating AI-powered supply chains through access to training and advisement services from the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii). Program participants will accelerate their AI-based supply chain solutions through educational programming, project advisement and access to Amii’s world leading research group.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Laboratory space / maker space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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HEC Montréal - École des dirigeants

Supply Chain Stream

Length of Program
9 months

The Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) is an objectives-based program for massively scalable, seed-stage science- and technology-based companies. In partnership with HEC Montréal, CDL-Montreal will run a program mainly focused on artificial intelligence and data science to capitalize on Montreal’s expertise in the sector.

Business stage
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
Mature - Stable profit from year to year
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions
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Techstars Montreal

Techstars Montréal AI

Length of Program
4 months

Techstars Montréal AI is a 3 months acceleration program for artificial intelligence startups. Each year, 10 selected companies participate in the program and receive an investment of 120K USD. As a result of the program, they join the worldwide network of Techstars.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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The Holt Xchange

The Holt Xchange

Length of Program
3 months

Backed by Holdun, The Holt Xchange is Canada’s most active seed fintech investor. We track over 10,000 early stage fintechs globally and solicit the ones that present a best match with our Advisor network (i.e. individuals who represent financial institutions, institutional investors or experts). To date, we’ve received over 1,500 applications from close to 75 countries, in which we then invest up to $130K in the top 1% of applications globally.

Business stage
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Regulatory assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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Velocity Incubator


Length of Program
10 months; 12 months

Velocity is the signature entrepreneurship program at the University of Waterloo. The incubator program is for early-stage, pre-seed tech startups.

Business stage
Idea - Entrepreneur with an idea; a solution in search of a problem
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Laboratory space / maker space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance;
  • Practical prototype / MVP development assistance
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Volta AI

Nova Scotia
Length of Program
12 months

Volta aims to launch a program (Volta AI) where eligible AI supply chain focused ventures are given additional access to programming and funding opportunities facilitated and administered by Volta. Eligible ventures will receive support to attend focused programming, workshops, consulting, and global events. Ventures will also gain access to experts and investors in the AI space. Volta AI’s goal is to accelerate the early growth of new ventures by augmenting existing resources and building new programming that founders can take advantage of. Also, Volta AI aims to attract more AI supply chain focused ventures to the Atlantic Canadian ecosystem and provide them with the required connections and support to create added value for their venture.

Business stage
Discovery - Clearly articulated and plausible problem/solution statement and the capacity to test it
Validation - A minimum viable product and evidence that it solves a real problem for an identified market
Efficiency - Initial traction in a receptive enough market to build a business in
Scale - Evidence that a scalable sale and marketing process has been established, accelerating revenue/customer growth
  • Co-work / office space;
  • Business coaching / consulting / mentoring / leadership development;
  • Trade and export support;
  • Networking events and key introductions;
  • Access to funding;
  • Intellectual property education and assistance
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