
AI Ecosystem at C2

Monday, September 26, 2022

The AI Ecosystem event brought together the key players of our artificial intelligence ecosystem as part of C2 Montreal. A dive into the heart of AI, with a spotlight on our greatest achievements.

Participants enjoyed:

  • 4 panels on the themes of health, growth, climate and supply chains, including speakers from the fields of academic and research, the startup community and the business world
  • A cocktail reception to network with all members of our ecosystem

This event is an initiative of Scale AI and its partners: The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal, Mila, CEIMIA, IVADO, IVADO Labs, Montreal International, Moov AI, Forum IA Québec, the Conseil de l’innovation du Québec, Next AI and Creative Destruction Lab.

Check out the virtual event on LinkedIn!

NB. – The event was held mainly in English with simultaneous French translation available on site only.



Espace C2
900 René-Lévesque Blvd W 21st fFoor
Montreal, Quebec
H3B 4A5

Date & Time

Monday, September 26, 2022
1:30 p.m.

Made possible through the
financial support of
Gouvernement du Québec
Gouvernement du Canada

Join ALL IN - the most important event dedicated to Canadian AI!