
Gen AI Call for Projects by Scale AI


Information sessions – Gen AI Call for Projects

Should you have any questions regarding the Gen AI call, we invite you to join one of our three information sessions. These sessions provide an excellent opportunity to ask questions and gain clarity on the process. Register now to participate.

Program Overview

The Scale AI Initiative for Generative AI is a call for projects designed to accelerate the adoption and integration of generative AI solutions to enhance operational productivity across Canadian value chains. Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize these value chains by significantly boosting operational productivity, optimizing processes, and enhancing resource management throughout an organization. Leveraging insights from previous projects, Scale AI has refined its eligibility criteria and project structure to ensure the successful implementation of generative AI in diverse operational contexts. (Note: for this call for projects, “operational productivity” refers to the optimization and enhancement of processes and resources throughout an organization.)

By supporting projects in this area, Scale AI aims to position Canadian businesses at the forefront of technological innovation, drive economic growth and maintain competitiveness on a global scale. This initiative seeks to foster collaboration among organizations, encouraging them to leverage generative AI to achieve substantial improvements in productivity and operational efficiency.

The program supports two distinct project categories:

  • Commercialization Projects: These projects involve product companies aiming to enhance their existing services or products with generative AI capabilities. The project consortium must include at least two participants:
    • The lead organization (the product company)
    • An end user serving as a partner
  • Adoption Projects: These projects focus on companies seeking to improve their existing operations through the integration of generative AI solutions. The project consortium must include at least two participants:
    • The lead organization (the adopting company)
    • An AI service provider serving as a partner

Note: in both project types, the second participant (AI service provider in adoption projects or end user in commercialization projects) will be designated as a “partner.”

Application Process

The selection of projects for this initiative involves a competitive process. Scale AI will evaluate all submitted applications and select the successful candidates based on the criteria outlined in “Phase 3 – Selection and Award” below. Please note that not all submitted projects will be selected, and participation is contingent upon meeting the specific requirements and demonstrating potential impact.

To be considered eligible for funding in this competitive selection process, companies must collaborate with an appropriate partner(s) to submit a comprehensive proposal for Scale AI’s review, following the process outlined on this page. Proposals should clearly demonstrate:

  • Innovation beyond simple integration of existing tools;
  • A substantial portion of project costs dedicated to model engineering and solution integration;
  • Clear objectives for improving productivity or operational efficiency; and
  • A project duration of between 6-12 months.

By the conclusion of the selected project, companies are expected to have demonstrated tangible and measurable impacts from the generative AI solutions implemented in their operations. This includes quantifiable improvements in productivity, efficiency, or market traction, depending on the project category.

Scale AI will support selected projects with possible funding of up to 50% of eligible project costs, subject to maximum funding amounts based on project category and scope. Additionally, participants in selected projects will gain access to Scale AI’s network of experts and resources to further support their generative AI initiatives.

Phase 1 – Eligibility (From September 26, 2024; Submission Deadline: November 8, 2024)

All applications must be submitted by an applicant with significant operational capacities in Canada, and only work performed in Canada is eligible for Scale AI funding. During Phase 1, applicants will complete a short form (“eligibility form”) describing how the proposed project meets the selection criteria outlined in the form, along with letters of intent (“letters of intent”) signed by:

  • An executive sponsor from the lead organization
  • The project manager for the proposed generative AI project
  • An executive sponsor from each of the partner company(ies).

These signatures demonstrate the strong commitment of all parties involved in the project.

To begin your application, please click here. 

No other documents are required or will be accepted during Phase 1. 

The application period opens on September 26, 2024. Applicants must complete and submit the eligibility form and the signed letter of intent before the deadline of November 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM, Montreal time. Documents received after the deadline will not be accepted or considered. Scale AI will review the documents on a first-come, first-served basis and provide responses in the order of submission. Therefore, we encourage applicants to submit their proposals as soon as possible after the opening date.

In fairness to all applicants, Scale AI will not provide any assistance during Phase 1, either in terms of reviewing or commenting on the projects to be submitted.

All submissions (eligibility form + signed letter of intent) received before the deadline will be evaluated by Scale AI based on the submitted eligibility form and letter of intent, following the criteria outlined in the Eligibility Conditions section below.

Scale AI will inform applicants of its decisions regarding Phase 1 (Eligibility) by November 29, 2024. Only applicants deemed eligible will be invited by Scale AI to submit a detailed project proposal (Phase 2). Ineligible project applicants will receive high-level feedback from Scale AI on why their submission was determined not to be eligible. The submission process includes no opportunity for appeal for ineligible submissions.

Phase 2 – Detailed Proposal (From December 2, 2024; Deadline: January 31, 2025)

Scale AI will inform applicants with eligible projects  and invite them to continue by submitting a detailed proposal (“Detailed Proposal”). Detailed proposals must be completed on the Scale AI portal and follow the provided template.

Applicants must submit their final Detailed Proposal no later than January 31, 2025, at 6:00 PM, Montreal time. Documents received after the deadline will not be accepted or considered. No other documents are required or will be accepted during Phase 2.

Phase 3 – Selection and Award

The Detailed Proposal will be evaluated by Scale AI based on the criteria outlined in the section “Project Selection Criteria: B. Detailed Proposal Selection Criteria” below. During the evaluation process, Scale AI may request clarifications from applicants on certain aspects of their detailed proposal.

Evaluation of the Detailed Proposals will be by a  committee of independent experts selected by Scale AI.

Scale AI will inform applicants of its selection decisions and associated funding conditions no later than March 14, 2025.

Successful applicants must enter into a Master Project Agreement with Scale AI, outlining the terms and conditions related to Scale AI funding, and start their projects by April 30, 2025, otherwise the Scale AI funding offer will be immediately revoked.

Scale AI will share its feedback with unsuccessful applicants, but there is no opportunity to appeal Scale AI’s funding decision.

Click here to submit a project

Project Selection Criteria

A. Eligibility Conditions

To be eligible under Phase 1 of the submission process, the proposal must meet the following eligibility conditions:

Applicant and Project Team:

  • Both the company leading the project and its partners are located in Canada, and the work to be supported by Scale AI will be performed in Canada.
  • A letter of intent (using the required template) is submitted, signed by an executive sponsor from the lead organization, the project manager for the proposed generative AI project, and an executive sponsor from each of the partner company(ies).
  • For companies directly funded by Scale AI, the project cost must not exceed 40% of the company’s annual revenues to ensure financial viability. Scale AI reserves the right to request financial documentation to verify this criterion.

Project Dates:

  • The project must start no later than April 30, 2025.
  • The project must end no later than April 30, 2026.
  • All project costs and supporting documents must be submitted to Scale AI for reimbursement by May 29, 2026.


  • The project is aligned with Scale AI’s strategy (i.e., supporting the commercialization and adoption of AI solutions in a well identified value chain, as well as democratizing AI to make it widely accessible to Canadian organizations), and focuses on generative AI applied to operational productivity.

Incremental to regular operations: 

  • The project must be new or significantly expand the scope or scale, accelerate, or otherwise transform the organization’s existing operations.


  • The project team involves at least two participants – ie. the project lead and the partner.
  • The consortium must include at least one small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) with fewer than 500 employees.


  • The project must have a minimum budget of $750,000 in costs.

Project readiness:

  • The project lead and partner have conducted a preliminary feasibility study confirming the validity of the scientific approach and the accessibility of the required data.

B. Detailed Proposal Criteria

Detailed Proposals (submitted using required template) will be assessed by Scale AI based on the following criteria (percentages indicate relative weight given by Scale AI to each criterion):

1 – Strategic Alignment: 30%

How well does the project align with Scale AI’s strategic objectives to encourage the adoption, commercialization, and democratization of generative AI solutions in operations? More specifically, the project must:

  • Be within scope, addressing a significant operational need or issue,
  • Develop new applied knowledge and share it with the rest of the ecosystem,
  • Pose a technical challenge that the solution will address,
  • Be technically achievable.

2 – Team and Project Plan: 25%

How realistic is the project plan and how clearly are the costs associated with the project articulated? Scale AI will consider:

  • Technical credentials, subject matter expertise, and project management capabilities of the assembled project team,
  • Cooperation between consortium members (clear outline of benefits for each participant),
  • How realistic and clearly defined the project management and planning are,
  • How reasonable the cost structure is.

3 – Ecosystem Impact: 25%

As the project scales up, how will it benefit the ecosystem in areas such as the application of intellectual property (IP), contribution to job creation and diversity principles, growth of SMEs through access to generative AI solutions, and dissemination of lessons learned to other organizations and sectors?

  • Impact on SME growth through access to AI solutions,
  • Potential for use of foreground IP outside the project scope, e.g., for other industries or applications (see “Project Requirements for Funding: Intellectual Property” below),
  • Job creation, skills, and diversity development,
  • Development of industry-informed academic research, learning, and training,
  • Other benefits to the ecosystem.

4 – Business Impact: 20%

How well does the project plan address operational or business needs? What is the project’s business plan? Also to be considered are factors such as realistic commercialization plans and adoption of AI.

  • Adoption of generative AI-powered operational improvements,
  • Operational efficiencies,
  • Cost efficiencies and effectiveness translating into better resource utilization and overall performance,
  • Clear and realistic commercialization plans.

Project Requirements for Funding

Reimbursement Rate:

 If the project is approved, Scale AI will fund eligible costs, up to 50% of the total project costs, as follows:

1 – Cost eligibility: 

  • costs must be incurred by the project participants and be directly related to the AI solution development or adoption;  
  • costs must be incurred in Canada, and must be “eligible costs” as defined by Scale AI’s Guidelines for Funding;
  • costs may include external costs, such as the AI service provider;
  • For adoption projects, at least 50% of the project costs should be subcontracting costs paid to the AI service provider(s) included in the consortium of the project. 
  • For commercialization projects, the end-user partners are strongly encouraged to contribute financially to the project by directly supporting the product company. This payment demonstrates the end user’s commitment to the project’s success.

2 – Minimum budget: Only projects with a budget of at least $750,000 will be considered.

3 – Maximum budget: There is no cap on the total project cost.

Project Duration and Deadline: 

  • The Master Project Agreement with SCALE AI and all contracts with project partners necessary to start the project must be signed and the project must start no later than April 30, 2025, otherwise Scale AI’s funding offer will be immediately revoked.
  • Project must be completed by April 30, 2026.  
  • All project costs and supporting documentation must be submitted to Scale AI no later than May 29, 2026.
  • Cost eligibility and reimbursement by Scale AI will be in accordance with Scale AI’s Guidelines for Funding  
  • Scale AI will not fund any project costs incurred: 
    • for any projects starting after April 30, 2025 or consortiums that have not completed the signature of required documents by April 30, 2025;
    • after April 30, 2026; or
    • if requests for reimbursement and impact measurements are provided to Scale AI after May 29, 2026.

Intellectual Property: 

To enhance the impact of this funding initiative, the following conditions apply to intellectual property (IP): 

  • Commercialization projects: all IP generated during the project will be owned by the product company developing the solution. 
  • Adoption projects: IP generated during the project will be owned by the AI service provider, or if owned by the adopter, the AI service provider will have significant rights to reuse the IP for other clients and use cases outside the scope of the project.

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