In this context, Scale AI is inviting colleges, universities and education non- profit organizations, as well as businesses to have their professional training programs in digital intelligence accredited to obtain funding.
To stimulate the development of the AI ecosystem in Canada, Scale AI is committed to supporting the training of at least 25,000 workers in digital and artificial intelligence applied to supply chain by 2023. Its Professional Development Program will reimburse up to 25% of registration fees for individuals who engage in a certified continuing education programs in digital intelligence; and up to 50% of the costs incurred by companies for the development of specialized training for their employees.
“Scale AI’s professional development initiative is a smart investment for companies of all sizes, and individuals, to develop key expertise in a field that promises to improve our quality of life through new, innovative ways,” says the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.
“As a world leader in Artificial Intelligence, Canada needs to continue investing in human resources to ensure a highly-skilled talent pool.”
— The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada
“By making quality training in AI and data management accessible to professionals and businesses, we’re helping to broaden expertise in the field. Not only is this an opportunity for individuals who want to enrich their skills, but it also helps companies that need skilled labour to successfully implement new technologies within their supply chain,” says Julien Billot, CEO of Scale AI.
Hélène Desmarais, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, adds: “Business leaders are asking for these AI practical grounding courses and business applications, to equip their company with the knowledge and confidence they need to transform their organization into innovative , efficient and sustainable company of the future.”
“Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are transforming supply chains and entire industries processes.”
— Hélène Desmarais, Co-Chair of the Board of Directors
Launched in Quebec in September 2019 through a project funded by the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale du Québec, this Professional Development Program is now being rolled out across the country as part of Scale AI’s Canada-wide mandate.
Interested organizations are invited to visit the Training section of the Scale AI website for a description of each component of the program, presentation webinars, and the necessary forms and documentation to apply for accreditation or funding.
See press release